Robert Cameron died on Tuesday

Robert Cameron died in San Francisco on Tuesday. He's responsible for the "Above..." series of books, including "Above Hawaii", Above San Francisco" and about 10 others. After selling over 2.5 million copies of the Above series, he's got to be the most prolific and well known aerial photographer in the world. An obituary is here, but this much better article says a lot more about him. I love that his photography really picked up after a full career in a different field but I REALLY like how active he stayed all the way to the end. That's the way to live life!

My parents always had a copy of Above Hawaii on the coffee table and I see his books all the time in bookstores (new and used). When I think of aerial photography, I think of him and Yann Arthus Bertrand. Since I'm thinking a lot more about aerial photography these days, I should probably pick up some of his books. (I smell a Christmas list coming on...)